Posts in Educational
How and When To Get Sport Specific

What is the first thing you think of when someone mentions sport specific training? Most people think about using a swinging a resisted golf club, using a weighted baseball or some form of replicating sport with added resistance.

Many coaches today still use these methods, and in theory, it seems reasonable. The truth is research has found using resistance to replicate a specific sport movement isn’t very effective. Throwing a donut on a baseball bat does shown not to improve bat speed. Game play in sports happen at full speed and replicating the motions of sport at anything less than game speed is putting the athletes at a disadvantage and creating unnecessary potential for injury.

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Debunking 7 Diet & Training Myths

There is way too much noise out in the nutrition and exercise world. You can't turn a corner these days without hearing and seeing the latest greatest thing everyone must do or they'll die.


I'm going to dive into 7 of the most common myths out there and provide some common sense answers to approaching them. Enjoy!

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Benefits of the Reverse Hyper Extension and Alternative Ways To Perform

We love to program Reverse Hyper extensions and many of our remote clients don’t have access to a reverse hyper... here is a unique way to get it done with equipment that you typically have in your globo or garage gym and the key benefits of this movement.

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