Weightlifting: From Beginner to Elite


Progress can not be seen on a day-to-day basis. But, progress is attained with day-to-day effort. Self-improvement must be a conscious part of your daily actions because it is cumulative. The things you do each day will build upon each other to make you who you are. This cumulative process can either be positive or negative, but that is up to you and what you choose to do.

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5 Things To Look For When Choosing A Personal Trainer

The fitness industry in today's world is muddy to say the least. There are more certifications, qualifications, and fitness guru’s than ever before. Deciding to invest in a personal trainer is something that has the ability to change your life and is something that is deserving of your time and research. Below are 5 tips to help you make the right decision when hiring a personal trainer.

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15 Tips All Personal Trainers Should Know

It's very important that you obtain certifications through an accredited organization!

However, we believe that is simply a starting point, and that if you want to truly thrive in the personal training field, you need to look beyond the certifications to further your education and experience as a coach, There are hundreds of certifications and workshops out there and it can be overwhelming to choose where to start.

Here are 4 of our favorites to get you going in the right direction!

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