The Almighty Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is one of the most effective movements for building real strength and size throughout the entire backside: glutes, hamstrings, and the lower, middle, and upper back. The hinge pattern is used in several exercises, but here's generally what we're talking about:

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Darren HansenComment
How To Lose Weight For Competition

This article is for the weightlifter, powerlifter, and strongman that have 1-5 kilos/2-11 pounds to cut. Personally I take the quick off and quick back on approach. This means that I try to lose the majority of my weight the week of the meet, and then I try to put it back on immediately after weigh-ins.

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Make sure your shoulders aren't stiff when you start a workout. Stiff shoulders lead to bad muscle recruitment and improper mechanics. You also want to increase blood flow to the area. This will increase the sensitivity of all the shoulder girdle muscles to the neural drive.
Start with a super-set of two exercises: band shoulder dislocates and weighted shoulder circles.

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