Posts tagged Injury
What's Up With Deceleration?

Often times, coaches and trainers are focused on their athletes being able to jump high and sprint fast because that is what is noticeable and pops to the untrained eye in sport. While being able to jump and accelerate is great for athletes, being able to control the landing is an essential, and often neglected component for preventing injury and increasing performance.

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How To Reduce The Risk Of Injury For Your Athletes: Part 1

That being said, over the course of working with a range of athletes, I have a few simple guidelines for physical preparation and training protocols that are important and help to reduce injury rates. These tips don’t just apply to those of sport, but various training levels as well.

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Specializing in sport is a double-edged sword. Your athlete will be able to fine-tune the small nuances of technical skill, but at the cost of diversity in demands and performance. Without proper recovery and physical training regimes to counteract the repeated demands of the chosen sport, your athletes are at high risk for injury.

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