Covid-19 Is One For The Books

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One For The Books

I believe this is becoming more than what many of us initially foresaw! While there are drastically different opinions on the best way to handle the situation, one thing holds true, many small businesses [yes, you gyms] are shutdown. With my tendency to stay optimistic I believe we will be back to operating, albeit with certain guidelines and standards, before too long! It is times like these that motivate business owners of the future to make smart decisions with finances and focus on the โ€œbusinessโ€ aspect of their passion.


Now is a great time to work on your ability to ADAPT, maintain a standard, and focus under pressure. There are more ways that one to bring value and hold your customers to a standard all while developing culture!

With that being said here is a free video highlighting 3 movements you can use from the comfort of your own home to drive adaptation and improve your fitness!


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