Strength Training - It's Never Too Late

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It’s Never Too Late To Build Strength

Far too often I hear the utterings that it’s “too late” or “I wish I would have started 20 years ago” when it comes to strength training and developing movement patterns. While there is some merit to the fact that you could be further along the developmental process of strength if you had, the research shows the aging population that hasn’t necessarily taken the dive into strength training before still having similar ability to build muscle as those of “highly trained” athletes of a similar age.

This should be a motivator for those that find their quality of life lacking due to the inability to perform the tasks that their hobbies or lifestyle demands. I have frequently worked with clients in the past that have given up a passion due to the self-diagnosed inability to perform the tasks necessary for success. I’m here to tell you that we have been able to return 100% of these people back to a varying degree of their named passion through developing their strength and improving movement patterns. This article will even forgo the more important aspects of mental health and confidence that came from the aforementioned return of ability and confidence in movement.

Strength training leads to the development of skeletal muscle which represents the body’s largest organ, is metabolically active, and is integral in our overall state of health and well being. Adding to overall skeletal muscle leads to metabolic benefits such as weight loss, cardiac function, and reduce risks of injury or falling as we age.

I tend to find that information provided through normal social outlets and the media is vague when it comes to older individuals and would like to help bridge the gap for those seeking information in our community. If you are currently looking to improve your quality of life, regain the ability to perform functional movement patterns pain-free, or simply are interested in learning how you can take your strength training into your own hands contact me or one of our coaches at HansenAthletics.


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