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Do You Know Why?

Why are you doing what you’re doing?

That’s my challenge to you and any coaches out there... and no this is not just related to fitness/health professionals. We believe at HansenAthletics that one of the biggest separating factors between coaches and frauds is the education and experience that comes from the effort to understand what you are asking your clients to do. If you can’t specifically speak to why you’re having your athletes/clients do what they are then they shouldn’t be paying you and you aren’t a trainer or a coach, yet.

Here are a couple of suggestions we have when it comes to developing as a coach:

  1. Invest in education. Take the time to research different education opportunities and pull the trigger on the ones that take the time to develop the “why” behind their methodology or course. It is imperative that you can walk away from the experience with the ability to convey the meaning and intention behind the information you were just provided.

  2. Try it yourself. Take yourself through whatever you are going to have your clients experience. It’s imperative that you understand on an intimate level what you are asking them to do. Lead from the front.

  3. Record and track. Build a portfolio of successes with the clients you work with. This helps in two ways. First, you have proof that your methodology/tactics actually work. Two, you will have the opportunity to modify and edit based on your experiences. Rather than “winging it” you’ll develop the ability to record and make adjustments based on what’s best for the client/athlete.

Be Better

Don’t let this be a deterrent or leave a bad taste in your mouth. Rather a call to be better. Better coaches. Better leaders. Better trainers. We need to up the level of leadership in today’s world.

With social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the influence of unqualified individuals that really don’t care about the damage they cause. They will and do take advantage of misunderstood and ill-placed trust. Make sure to ask questions and understand the experience and educational experiences your “coach” or “trainer” has amassed and where they come from.

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Related Content:

Educational Course: Building Stronger Humans

Blog: Communication and Coaching

Blog: Enhance Communication With Clients

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